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飞捷热库Hot library
  • 点击数:10485
  • 产品类别: 产品中心 其他 工业余热回收
  • 产品描述:
  • 杭州飞捷研发的高新技术产品,采用飞捷热堆技术,利用谷电加热及蓄热方式形成热源,通水产生蒸汽,以较少的能源消耗,满足非谷电期间蒸汽供应需要。可替代燃煤/燃气/电蒸汽发生器。

    The high-tech products developed by Hangzhou Phase Change  adopt Flyjet thermal reactor technology, use valley electricity heating and heat storage to form a heat source, pass water to generate steam, and use less energy consumption to meet the steam supply needs during non-grain electricity periods. It can replace coal/gas/electric steam generators. 

    性 能 特 点

    Performance characteristics


        Zero emission, no pollution, energy saving and environmental protection, small land occupation;

    (2)利用谷电蓄热,用电时间短(≤8 小时);按需取汽,使用灵活;

        Utilize valley electricity to store heat, and the electricity time is short (≤8 hours); steam can be taken on demand, and it can be used flexibly;


        Simple structure, safe operation, stable and reliable, intelligent control, automatic operation and convenient operation;


        It is not a special equipment, it is easy to install, it can be used as long as it is connected to the water source and power source.

    数   Technical Parameters

    经济性对比  Economic comparison


    围  Applicable range


           It is suitable for the supporting use of dry cleaning machines, dryers, washing machines, dehydrators, ironing machines, irons, etc. in the washing and ironing industry; supporting use of labeling machines and sleeve labeling machines in the packaging machinery industry; fermentation tanks in the biochemical industry Supporting use of reaction kettle, jacketed pot, mixer, emulsifier, etc.; supporting use of tofu machine, steaming box, sterilization tank, packaging machine, coating equipment, sealing machine, etc. in the food machinery industry; other industries such as (oil field, automobile) steam cleaning Industry, (hotel, dormitory, school, mixing station) hot water supply, (bridge, railway) concrete maintenance, sauna bathing, heat exchange equipment.